Sustainability and ESG (environmental, social, governance)

Society holds high expectations for ethical business practices. Today, navigating increasing demands from both external and internal stakeholders, as well as more stringent reporting requirements, is paramount.
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We offer:

  • Sustainability strategies
  • Stakeholder and materiality analysis
  • Sustainability reporting
  • Analysis and action plans for various sustainability issues

These concepts go by various names: Sustainability, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), or corporate social responsibility. However, they all encapsulate the notion of corporate responsibility, a company’s societal impact, and the importance of engaging in dialogue with stakeholders. The growing emphasis on sustainability places greater expectations and demands on businesses.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) further underscore the role of businesses and their responsibility to contribute to sustainable growth, counteracting the negative impacts associated with their operations, production, or services.

We witness a proliferation of guidelines concerning corporate governance, environmental impact, and societal influence. Today, private and listed companies are expected to address environmental concerns, human rights, labour rights, and anti-corruption measures when formulating their long-term strategies.

Our advisors can assist you in navigating diverse sustainability guidelines and frameworks. Many of our experts have completed certified training courses in sustainability reporting, adhering to the standards set by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). We facilitate reporting and communications on sustainability matters and manage the dialogue with investors and analysts regarding ESG information.