Transparency Act Statement
On 1 July 2022, the Norwegian Transparency Act came into effect. The Act promotes enterprises’ respect for human rights and decent working conditions in connection with the production of goods and the provision of services. It also ensures the general public access to information regarding how enterprises address adverse impacts on fundamental human rights and decent working conditions.
Corporate Communications has established a report in line with the Transparency Act, which can be downloaded here.

Our values
We value, promote, and wish to be known for our high professional standards, knowledge and experience. The term ‘skilled’ also includes hard work and the ability to execute, which ensures solid results for our customers.
We want our customers to know that they can always get help from us when they need it, without exception. For us, the term ‘available’ also means that we maintain an open and direct style towards customers and colleagues.
We create the most value when both customers and colleagues feel good. It should be a pleasure to work with CC.
We run our business with high integrity. We provide realistic and honest expectations, as well as feedback. You can always rely on CC.
Ethical guidelines
Corporate Communications exists to create value for our clients. It is essential that this work is done within clear ethical guidelines.
Making ethically appropriate choices is important for us as a company, for the individual employee and for our clients.
As a consulting company that assists clients within most industries and sectors, we also recognise that we are exposed to risk. Because we work closely and loyally with our clients and because the income of our company and the individual employee depends on these relationships, it can be difficult to make wise ethical choices in our everyday life.
For us as a company, there is a commercial risk in acting in a way that may be considered unethical. This will make it hard for us to acquire and retain clients and to recruit the best employees. It will also undermine the pride our employees should feel in working at CC.
For the individual employee, ethical mistakes can have personal and professional consequences.
For our clients, there may be a reputational risk in working closely with advisers who do not behave ethically.
Our clients may also find themselves in challenging situations. We will stand by the clients’ side even in difficult cases. Decisions about whether or not to undertake an assignment should be based on ethical considerations, not primarily on the effect on CC’s reputation.
Our ethical guidelines shall ensure that our practice is good and trustworthy, even in situations where it is not obvious what is the right choice.
In short: We must be able to stand for everything we do.
Our ethical guidelines are divided into general principles for the individual employee and more detailed guidelines in certain areas, based on CC’s particular business. This includes, for instance, questions relating to the types of clients we work for, rules for securities trading, information handling, the opportunity to take certain types of positions and our whistleblower policy.
Please find the guidelines here.
Read Supplier Code of Conduct here.
The guidelines were most recently updated and adopted by CC’s partnership on 14 December 2022.